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The morning is crisp and blue. Glowing silhouettes of pines stand tall all around, swaying ever so slightly in the breeze that creaks the settling walls. The coffee warming your left hand is half full as you grab the frozen door knob with your right. With a heavy creak and howl of air, the morning greats you with a prickly pat to the cheeks and eyebrows. Like a friendly slap from an old friend putting you back in place—welcomed but uncomfortable.

In DAYBREAK V.7, we’re taking a long morning walk while we breathe in the crisp air and bathe in the morning light. We’re searching for stories revolving around the ideas of Heavy Eyes, In Motion, Deep Breath, First Light, and Crisp Air.

Submission Deadline: December 8th, 2024


All submissions should include:


  • High Resolution Images

  • DAYBREAK imagery submissions should be high resolution (JPEG) files that are at least 300 DPI.

  • Submissions should be at least 2500 pixels on the longest side.     

  • Complete or Outlined Narrative/Essay/Article

  • All submissions should tell a complete story. Likely, that will require a written element. Written work should be between 600 and 2000 words sent via Microsoft document. (rules are meant to be broken)   

  • With all files, please include your last name in the file nomenclature. 


Please send submissions and any questions to


Cheers to winter and cheers to you. We’ll see you out there.

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